1. Click "Order"

2. Click "New Order"

3. Click on the warehouse

4. Type in the project name or number and select project the order is for

5. Type in the Truck Ticket ID IF there is a Truck Ticket associated with the order.

Truck Ticket ID is not a required field, however if you are trying add items to an existing order we ask that you fill it out to help the warehouse team match up the orders.

6. Select a date that you would like the order shipped by

7. Click "Next"

8. Click on the items row that you would like to add to the order

9. The row will turn green when it is selected


11. Once you have all items selected, click "Next"

12. Review the order and click "Finish" to submit the order to the warehouse

**If you do NOT click finish, the warehouse will NOT see the order**